Check out my Vancouver photos first and then read the post that follows! xo

Why Vancouver?
I have been embracing, nurturing and developing my spiritual side for a few years now. It began with meditation and yoga and has grown to include reiki, hypnotherapy, readings, working with guides, crystals, stones, essential oils, holistic healing, sound and becoming in tune with and trusting my intuition.
This 16-hour trip to Vancouver was a self-care opportunity to get away and see one of my very best friends, Brie and to take part in an Ayurvedic style supper and astrology session with Lauren, somebody who I haven’t known for very long but resonate strongly with.
Getting There:
I skipped the 10-hour drive and hopped on a plane for a lovely hour flight over to the gorgeous city of Vancouver, landing in Canada’s most Western province just after the morning rush.
I went directly to Kitsilano to hang out with Brie. The day was gorgeous and we had fun walking around Kits, which is one of Vancouver’s cutest, coolest communities. Sadly, I just missed cherry blossom season, but it was nice to see maple trees again. The Manitoba 'Maple' that grows in Calgary doesn't count. Sorry.
We had a great discussion and I had the opportunity to learn more about natural skin care and makeup products from Beauty Counter. Brie is beautiful beyond words and has the most incredible skin and I learned a ton from her.
If you’re ever lucky enough to find yourself in Kitsilano, check out:
Trees Coffee Kitsilano – for their delicious sandwiches.
Tangram Creamery – for tasty ice cream which we dropped on the sidewalk a second after buying it, but the employee who assisted us was kind enough to give us another one to make up for the ice cream that was no longer edible.
Point Grey:
After a huggy goodbye that took so long that my taxi LEFT ME (arsehole), I was off (in a new taxi) to the community of Point Grey for the evening event at Lauren’s home. I pulled up to a large, sprawling beautiful home nestled in the hills and was greeted at the door by beautiful and statuesque Lauren, astrologist and hostess for the evening.
After a tour of the residence, I was ushered into to a sitting room where I met the other attendees. In total there is seven of us who have gathered for the evening.
The Setting:
Supper is in the Garden. Which was an incredible, luxurious, dream-like setting. The air is heavily fragranced by blooming purple Wisteria tumbling down from the level above. There is also a trickling waterfall. There is a greenhouse and the courtyard area where the table has been set and decorated with dried flowers, crystals and stones. The energy of the whole place was incredible.
We sat down for supper and discussion while Lauren served up and brought out plates of food. She has an undeniably otherworldly, priestess-like quality and brought together the perfect mix of people and personalities which made this event a huge success. The conversation was amazing and I learned so much about Ayurveda and the characteristics of each dosha. (Google information about the three doshas. It is very interesting.)
We all ate in the traditional Ayurvedic way – with our fingers and learned the benefits of eating this way. It was not at all dirty or unhygienic and cultures still eat this way. Interestingly enough, the cultures that follow this practice are not as disease-ridden or sick as Western cultures. It was an interesting way of looking at it and made for a relaxing and intentional way of eating. Down to the lentils, I did not touch my utensils for this meal. It was liberating, fun and the food was delicious.
Astrology and Tarot:
After supper, we gathered by the warmth of the fireplace and delved into an astrology discussion and lesson. Another great opportunity of learning and growth for me. We focused on past and future, talked about numerology and finally were treated to a tarot session by Lauren.
The Verdict:
It was an easy, safe and loving evening with kindred spirits who also happened to be very cool people. As a group, we ranged from super knowledgeable about the topics raised (not me) to very new, open and curious (me). It was definitely worth the trip over from Calgary and I will definitely be back for another one of these monthly gatherings.